
Octoboss says hi!

Hello! Welcome to the online home of RoopNavarro and Mygodcharles.

We're using our little corner of the internet to express ourselves and celebrate all of our favorite things. Here's a quick guide to what you'll find here.
  • Microblog: A collection of our spur-the-moment thoughts. Think of it as Twitter minus the rest of Twitter.

  • Articles: When we get this section rolling, it'll be a place for us to document our thoughts on everything from books and movies to travel destinations and weird food.

  • Shrines: Our hobbies and fandoms! Regarding the fandom pages, please bear in mind that these are our self-indulgent fan pages rather than Wiki-style fandom resources. We're here gush about our favorite characters and share our creations. If our fic/art contains something that may disturb viewers, rest assured — we'll warn you well in advance.

  • Resources: Freebies! Graphics, guides, and good stuff you might enjoy.

This website is always a work in progress, so keep checking back to see what we add!