From the moment I laid eyes on the Bullet Farmer, I knew he was going to become an obsession. He was only onscreen for a split second during the Comic-Con first look at Fury Road, but his striking appearance and batshit awesome car captured my heart. At that point, I didn’t know the actor’s or the character’s name yet, but I was immediately starving for more details.
When the film finally released, I entered the theater and took my seat, eagerly awaiting my chance to see the beautiful, blindfolded man T-posing atop a car with tank treads. What I got was so much more. From the moment he rolled up in the Peacemaker, I was distracted by the idea of seeing him again. (Yes, I was able to focus on the Rock Rider chase scene — but my boy was finally within reach, just off screen! Can you blame me for getting sidetracked?)
When he finally resurfaced, I was downright tickled by his sassy demeanor and take-charge attitude. And that voice! That accent! That flair for the dramatic! How could I resist? Sure, he didn’t last long, but in just a smidge of screen time, we got to see some rather interesting interpersonal dynamics. We got a taste for his bombastic personality. We got a glimpse of how he handles disagreement with his subordinates. (Spoiler alert! He disregards them.)
Every second of screen time had me intrigued — who IS this man? What made him this way? How was he raised? Even if canon offered no insight, I was excited to create a rich and detailed history for him, spanning from before his birth to after his death. This project quickly got out of hand and became a novel-length fanfic that I’m in the process of writing.